
The Legends of Turquoise

   Posted by: earthegy   in All Posts

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Click to shop all Turquoise at earthegy

The Legends of Turquoise…

Turquoise was valued by numerous ancient civilizations, including the Aztecs, Incas, Persians, Egyptians, and Native Americans. There are more legends associated with turquoise than with any other gemstone. A long time ago someone noticed a clear blue line running through gray rock and saw images of the sky and water in stone. From that time on turquoise has been cherished above all else in creation. Turquoise is a stone of sky, a stone of water, stone of blessings, good fortune, protection, good health and long life.

According to Native American Indian legends, when tribe members danced and rejoiced the rains came. Their tears of joy mixed with the rain and seeped into Mother Earth and became turquoise. Another legend says that a piece of turquoise thrown into a river will bring rain. It is also said that if one found the end of the rainbow after a storm and searched in the damp earth, turquoise would be found.

Turquoise is also a stone of protection. One of the first uses of turquoise was as a horse amulet. It protects the wearer from falls, and it is believed that turquoise affixed to the bridle of the horse protects the horse as well. If you’re wearing turquoise and you look down and see a crack in your stone, the Native Americans would say “the stone took it,” meaning the stone took the blow that you would have received.

Turquoise carvings of animals and birds were placed in the Native American tombs to attract beneficial spirits and guard the dead. The Navajo believed that turquoise placed at the opening of a home would repel evil spirits. Turquoise was also used by medicine men for healing and by warriors who fixed turquoise to the end of their bows to ensure accurate shots.

As a decorative amulet, horse protector, or bringer of rain, the uses of the turquoise to people who unearth and cherish it are many.

Shop all Turquoise at earthegy here…

Want to know more about the mythology and legends behind gemstones?  Grab my ebook Stories of the Stones here

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