Today is the day. earthegy turns 3! Three years of learning, laughing, limping occasionally, and loving all of you who helped make it happen.
Some of you know a lot about me and have been with me since the beginning. Some of you are new, just getting to know me.
Secrets are getting spilled today. I want you to know me, and believe me, I want to know each of you better.
There’s no big corporation, no giant warehouse, no call center taking orders 24 hours a day. Just me, some pliers, a big work table and a spiffy website. Please, come get to know me better.
earthegy Secrets…
~earthegy started as a fluke. I had a girlfriend that showed me her pouch of rocks over drinks one night and told me all about them. They were exquisite. I fell in love with rocks right then and there. My friend also wore them in her bra to keep them closer to her. She didn’t show me that part….
~Three years ago today I put my first bracelets up for sale on etsy. My first sale didn’t happen until a full two months later, in October…
~Which was just in time because a few days earlier I was laid off from my full time job as a controller, along with other upper management staff…
~Which made me cry for exactly 2 minutes…
~It took me two solid weeks of messing with word generators to come up with the name “earthegy.” It hit me as I was falling asleep one night in bed…
~My parents told me earthegy was a nice idea but it would probably take me two years to make a living from it. It’s taken three…
~I never thought I would be cut out for self- employment. I couldn’t imagine having the initiative to get up each morning and work for myself. Now I get up every day, work non-stop for a few hours in my pajamas, and have to tear myself away from my work table to put normal clothes on…
~I picked up accounting consulting jobs on the side to pay the bills…
~It wasn’t until April, 2011 that earthegy had its first profitable month…my net profit was $94.75. I immediately called my parents to share my joy…
~My house is only 950 square feet. earthegy has taken over my dining room, laundry area, and now it’s steadily seeped into my living room and kitchen. Zip lock bags are stashed in my coffee table/ottoman, and cases of bubble mailers are stacked under and on top of my piano…
~I measure my success by how often I go through a 150 foot roll of bubble wrap and I do the Happy Dance when I need to buy a new roll…
~Now I only do accounting work to barter for getting my hair done at a nice salon…
~My long term dreams include an addition to my house with a dedicated work space so I can reclaim the rest of my house … (ok, so it’s a big dream, but why the hell not?)
I would not have been able to do any of this without people that believed in me, including my family, friends, and all of you who shop and send me more customers. Your support and your referrals have helped me grow from “starving artist” to independent business owner…
I could never thank you enough. Ever.
-Chrisy Bossie
Please join me on the earthegy facebook page or my personal page! Or, if you want, just head on over to the shop…
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